Monday, August 28, 2006

a little patch of basil

[ a little patch of basil under the woodshed ]

The weather is something you notice. I
remember dying of starvation during one protracted                       cold
patch, and a gentle turning of the
mind, walking up to you in a dream asking to borrow
sugar, so that we
all might be
with sweeter gifts. Kiss my polished green eyes or I
stay; I will sing in Italian until                                                my needs
are met. Like coming to the end of a
cul-de-sac in a fever dream, as you stare at the nimbus thinning behind the
houses to revea-
l the thuggish sea. Only it's not the
sea, it's a heart of
pure murder
blowing open in the                                         storm; a familiar
pressed down on the
                 shoulders, in one ear and out the
aorta. In my opinion, standing on
head before bright light.
        Only it's not light,
it's a cool patch
            of lichen
                         as seen                                                           from space. What we need is a cast
shadow taken from the crook of
branch that comes from shared                                   perspective.
In a day or two this will not be over. The situation is
something that you can type up during the
evening in a livid sweat. Only it's not
                             sweat, it's bath salts
melting on your cheek, keeping quiet about the
way it is more or
always hard to imagine that much                              freedom.
It took me years to recognize your body
as a landscape, and then my
delight which had not
diminished. I
was bent
examining the river, refusing to acknowledge the
huge brown cloud hung over the
garden. I had whispered not
every holy drop of rain hates you. Only this one.
                                                         Only the very fact that you
are writing this poem,
and the illusion that someone else is its
author, sighing my name far apart from every                       deluded

* * * * *


Blogger Sara Kearns said...

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5:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yay! yoo RITE!! Gotta gobba lotta shrewd, surreal, subtle, sardonic satires, psychotically savvy, sassy elixers & electronic elegance on our YOUTHwitheTRUTH blogz. N'joym, earthling.

So, why-O-why should U love our fuse-blowin, hot-shot, HOLEsumm-cage-match? Our abundant productivity coupled withe copious depth of the extraordinary? Our proFUSE NRGod which leeeds to explosive fairy-tales in the 'one-stop-shop' symphony? Our bombastic tenaCITY on a Hill which'll plant the Seeds 4U2 grow-up to great heights? Follow us on the journey Home...

CAUTION: our 22ish, wildchild, accurately-atrocious, off-the-reservation, metal-breadKrumm-blogazzzms R so boring, they're such an intimate wealth of bottomless residue; however, my just and groovy earthling, who else hast actually SEEN the Great Beyond in person & lived to tella youse bout the bionic, bloated, brevity-like-earth we're living on, almost salivating4salvation?? So, gain altitude, never attitude: death has no favorites.

If the Great Beyond's an ultra-great-reward, and not everyone enters, why is it an excruciating deluge of epic caliber where the quality's a limitless bulldozer pushin-your-power-cord with eternal goodies?? The Prize-a+-TheEnd-of-Reality just gives U.S. moe-curley graphiXX which few R asking 4 anymoe. They're too concerned withe grotesque sanity of the ambivilant PISSANTS! which crawl like lemmings to their doom!

THANK GAWWWD!!! the Don has the ebullient BAWLS!!! to say the Manifest Destiny!!! To lead us forward to the White House Upstairs with his SQUARES!!!

So, break-free, earthling: be like a contraversial outgrowth of incredibly-intoxicating-effusiveness in your zeitgeist. Wanna join this useFULL idiot Upstairs 4 the most zany, kooky, handcrafted antidotes? Extremely exquisite & explicit endorphins in abundance? Puh-lenty of pulverizingly-tantalizing ex-psycotics with esoteric tics? i2i-kick-ass-ultra-maximum-rocket-fuel-party-hardy at my pad ya ever encountered without d'New Joisey accent 4 an eternal slew of precarious, magnanimous and primeval absurdities indelibly etched in the Granite Corridoors of our eternity with a total-barrage-of-melt-in-thy-mouth infinite indulgence ...???

Make Your Choice -SAW
...cuzz nobody gitts outta here alive, earthling.

7:54 PM  

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